Send notifications to an individual in the topic
You can use the (@) function to notify an individual about your message. This is useful if you wish to let an individual be aware or check your message quickly.
If the notifications setting is turned on, the user who gets mentioned will receive a notification on their desktop or push notifications if they’re using the Typetalk mobile application.
You can check or review old notifications at any time by clicking the notification icon (bell icon). When there are incoming new notifications or unread notifications, a teal-colored dot will be reflected beside the icon.
How to send notifications
@ button
Click the @ button next to the message input field, and a @ syntax will appear followed by a pop up of the user list. Select the user you wish to notify or if you know the username, you can filter the list by entering the username in the message input field.
Mention syntax
Type a “@” character in the message input field and a user list will pop up. Select the user you wish to notify or if you know the username, you can filter the list by entering the username in the message input field.
Reply menu
To reply to the user with the mention and message thread function, you can select the “...” button beside the message you wish to reply, and select “@ Reply”.