Are there keyboard shortcuts?
Yes, the available keyboard shortcuts are below:
- Show/Hide shortcuts help page (Windows: Ctrl + / Mac: ⌘ + /)
- Show search message bar (Windows: Ctrl + Alt + f Mac :⌘ + Alt + f)
- Filter topics (Windows: Ctrl + k Mac: ⌘ + k)
- Previous topic (Alt + UP)
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- Previous topic filter tab (Alt + Shift + LEFT)
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- Previous topic with unread messages (Alt + Shift + UP)
- Next topic with unread messages (Alt + Shift + DOWN)
- Edit last message (UP)
- Previous sidebar tab (Windows: Ctrl + Shift + UP Mac: ⌘ + Shift + UP)
- Next sidebar tab (Windows: Ctrl + Shift + DOWN Mac: ⌘ + Shift + DOWN)