Can I view access logs?

Yes, access logs can be provided as an optional add-on to your existing plan.

Access logs

We aggregate access logs of the previous month and provide that information early in the current month. Then, we provide the information below in a CSV file.

Access logs of web server

Column Description
timestamp Date and time
host Access source IP address
req HTTP method and request path
status HTTP status code
size Size
referer Referer
ua User agent
spacekey Space key
accountid Typetalk account ID

Processed access logs of web server

Column Description
Date Date and time
IP address Access source IP address
Path HTTP method and request path
Status HTTP status code
Size Size
Referer Referer
User agent User agent
Space key Space key
Account ID Typetalk account ID
Unique ID Typetalk unique ID

You can download a sample here.

Cost & Payment

Access log is available as an add-on to your Standard plan at US$50/month (plus tax).

It is currently only available to users on the paid Standard plan, and the subscription period needs to be the same as your existing Typetalk Standard plan.

If you require access logs, please contact us with the following information:

  • Your email address: please use the email address associated with your Typetalk's payment administrator
  • Subject line: "Request access log add-on"
  • Description: Your organization name