Organizing your topics

If you are using Typetalk within a large organization, after some time, you'll be participating in a variety of topics.

“My topics” help you organize, browse and find topics effortlessly. At the same time, you can create “Topic groups” in it to organize relevant topics together. For example, you can group topics by project, team, priority, etc. For example, you can organize the group by project, team, priority, etc.

To view all topics you’re a member of, switch from “My topics” to “All Topics” at the menu on the top of the topic list. Here, you can search through all your participating topics and add them to the topic groups.

Note “My topics” is customized to your preference and it’s not shared with other team members.


Creating topic groups

To organize topics, create a topic group. Switch your topics list to “My topics”, then select the “+ Topic group” button at the bottom of the list,, name your new topic group, and save. To add topics to the group, select the topics you want to add by clicking the “+ Add” button beside the topic.

Alternatively, you can create a new topic group by clicking the more button (“...”) next to a topic and selecting "New topic group".

Moving topics to a topic group

Click the more button (“...”) next to a topic you want to group, then select an existing topic group or create a new one by clicking “New topic group”.


Removing topics from a topic group

Select the more button (“...”) next to the topic you want to remove. Then select “Remove from topic group” to remove the topic. This action does not delete the topic, which can still be found in the “All Topics” list.

Deleting topic groups

Select the more button (“...”) next to your topic group’s title. Then choose “Remove topic group” to delete it. This action does not delete the topics in the deleted topic group; they are still available in the “All Topics” list.

Sorting topics in the topic groups

By default, topics are arranged based on their recent activity with the most recently active topic on top. However, you can choose to sort topics alphabetically. Simply click the more button (“...”) next to the topic group’s name, and select “A-Z”.

Muting topic groups

To hide notifications for a topic group (hide the dot notification in the topic group), click the more button (“...”) next to the topic group’s title. Then, to enable the mute function, turn on the “Mute topic group” slider. This function is appropriate for low priority topic groups.
