Stop subscription / Delete organization

There are two ways to terminate your Typetalk subscription or account — "Stop subscription" and "Delete organization".

Stop subscription

Use stop subscription in the following scenarios:

  • Stop using Typetalk paid subscription but continue using other Nulab services (Backlog / Cacoo) in the same organization.
  • Stop using Typetalk paid subscription for now but plan to resume using Typetalk in the future.

Please follow the steps below to stop the subscription.

  1. Click on the organization name in the global menu > Select "Organization Settings"
  2. Click on the "PLANS" tab
  3. Click on the "Stop subscription" link at Typetalk’s section
  4. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the stop subscription process

Delete organization

Use delete organization in the following scenarios:

  • When you have no plans to resume using Typetalk in future
  • When the registered organization does not use any other Nulab services (Backlog / Cacoo) and you wish to delete the data completely

To delete an organization, follow the steps below:

  1. Click on the organization name in the global menu > Select "Organization Settings"
  2. Click on the "ORGANIZATION" tab
  3. Click on the "Delete organization" link
  4. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the process

When will it take effect?

For paid plans, when you stop the subscription, you will still be able to access your Typetalk account until the last day of the contract period.

In the case of free plans and trial plans, Typetalk will be unavailable immediately after the stop subscription procedure is completed.

When will the data be deleted?

The data will be deleted after 180 days, starting from the date of cancellation.
If you have subscribed to a paid plan, it will be 180 days after the end of the subscription period.