Enable Typetalk for new users in your organization
When new users are invited to your organization, they will not be able to immediately access Typetalk.
To enable Typetalk access for the invited user, please go to the Typetalk members management page and enable the user. See Manage organization members for more information.
Enabling new user access to Typetalk immediately
However, Typetalk will be immediately available when the user is invited in the following scenarios.
Invite the new user from the topic settings page
Organization administrators can invite new users using the user’s email address at the topic settings page. This will automatically enable the user to access Typetalk and join the topic.
Enable organization invitation settings on the members management page
At the bottom of the Members Management page, there is a "Activate new users by default" setting. If this setting is enabled, all invited users will be automatically enabled to access Typetalk. This is useful if your organization only uses Typetalk, as you are assured that new users are only added via Typetalk, and not via other Nulab services (Backlog/Cacoo).
If you are using other Nulab services (Backlog/Cacoo) in addition to Typetalk, users can be added through those services, so there may be cases where you want to manage the users’ access to Typetalk. Hence, it is advisable to consider this before enabling this setting.
Request your administrators for permission to access
Users who are deactivated do not have access to your organization’s Typetalk. However, if the user is a member of your organization, they can submit a request to the administrators by clicking the "Request Access" button on the error page.
Administrators will receive the activation request via email. They can go to the Members Management page and activate the user who has made the request. Once activated, the user will receive an email notifying them that their Typetalk access has been activated.