Manage active members
Organization administrators can manage active users for Typetalk on the member management page by enabling or disabling their access. Disabled users will not be able to access Typetalk and are not billed, but they can continue to use Nulab's other services (Backlog and Cacoo) if they are using those services.
To manage active members, click on the Settings icon at the bottom left of the Typetalk app, then select the “Members” tab under “Manage Organization”.
Tip Clicking “View members on Nulab Account” will take you to the Members page in Nulab Account, where you can add or remove users from your organization.
Definition of the terms
Number of users
Shows the total number of active users on Typetalk. Each active user is calculated as a single user under the plan quota limit on the number of users.
Shows the user’s name and email address in the organization.
Shows the user’s role assigned in the organization. Please refer to Member Roles and Privileges for more information on privileges.
Joined topics
Shows the total number of topics the user is participating in the organization. By clicking on the number, you can view which topics the user is participating in.
Shows the total number of direct message (DM) conversations that the user is having with other users within your organization.
Last login
Shows the date and time when the user last logged in from the web or desktop app.
Switches between enabling or disabling users in Typetalk.
What happens if I disable a user?
Messages posted by the user in the topics will remain. However, the user will no longer appear in the direct message (DM) list. Therefore, the previous DMs communicated with the user can no longer be seen.
Once a user is switched to active status, they will automatically revert to the topics they were on and they will also show up in the direct message list. Hence, the administrator does not need to re-invite the user to their topics.
Export member list
You can export the list of members in your organization in CSV format. To export, click on the "Export" button to the right of the user count bar.
The exported CSV contains the following data:
Column | Description |
Email address | |
Unique ID | Unique ID |
Role | Assigned role in the organization |
Joined topics | Number of participating topics |
DMs | Number of DMs in use |
Last login | Last login date and time |
Active | Account is enabled in Typetalk |